Closing Deals for the Kids

[ratings] I suppose wearing a bluetooth headset at your kid’s school function is the lesser of two evils when deciding between that or just plain not being there…doesn’t make up for the face to face


[ratings] I suppose wearing a bluetooth headset at your kid’s school function is the lesser of two evils when deciding between that or just plain not being there…doesn’t make up for the face to face

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Closin’ Deals at the School Carnival

[ratings] Who says it’s bad parenting to split your focus between your kids and your deals?  After all, how the hell else is this guy gonna pay for an Ivy League education? Location: Nevada Submitted


[ratings] Who says it’s bad parenting to split your focus between your kids and your deals?  After all, how the hell else is this guy gonna pay for an Ivy League education? Location: Nevada Submitted

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