Direct Line to Bill Gates

[singlepic id=273 w=600 h=600 float=center] [ratings] I always automatically assume that anyone wearing a bluetooth earpiece in Seattle has a direct line with Bill Gates…who else is important enough in that town to wear a


[singlepic id=273 w=600 h=600 float=center] [ratings] I always automatically assume that anyone wearing a bluetooth earpiece in Seattle has a direct line with Bill Gates…who else is important enough in that town to wear a

folder_open Restaurant, Washington
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Prepare for a Big Deposit!

[singlepic id=275 w=600 h=600 float=center] [ratings] All white outfit? Bluetooth in ear? I bet this lady’s ready to test that FDIC insurance limit of $250,000 at this bank! Location: Norfolk, VA Submitted by: @schmiab


[singlepic id=275 w=600 h=600 float=center] [ratings] All white outfit? Bluetooth in ear? I bet this lady’s ready to test that FDIC insurance limit of $250,000 at this bank! Location: Norfolk, VA Submitted by: @schmiab

folder_open Bank, Virginia
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Just Buying Cheese and Closing Deals

[singlepic id=282 w=600 h=600 float=center] [ratings] Nothing says businessman like a block of Colby & Jack! Location: Albertson’s in Phoenix, AZ Submitted by: Aaron


[singlepic id=282 w=600 h=600 float=center] [ratings] Nothing says businessman like a block of Colby & Jack! Location: Albertson’s in Phoenix, AZ Submitted by: Aaron

folder_open Arizona, Grocery Store
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I Know What You’re Thinking, But I Won’t Go There

[singlepic id=284 w=600 h=600 float=center] Alright fuck it, this guy looks EXACTLY like Fat Albert! HEY HEY HEY! [singlepic id=286 w=600 h=600 float=center] [ratings] Location: Miami, FL Submitted by: @NikkiBlissMiami


[singlepic id=284 w=600 h=600 float=center] Alright fuck it, this guy looks EXACTLY like Fat Albert! HEY HEY HEY! [singlepic id=286 w=600 h=600 float=center] [ratings] Location: Miami, FL Submitted by: @NikkiBlissMiami

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Two Bluetooth Douchebags in Two Separate Goodwills

[singlepic id=261 w=600 h=600 float=center] [ratings] [singlepic id=262 w=600 h=600 float=center] [ratings] So in looking for my ultimate douchebag costume (consisted of bluetooth headset and Ed Hardy gear for the most part) I visited several


[singlepic id=261 w=600 h=600 float=center] [ratings] [singlepic id=262 w=600 h=600 float=center] [ratings] So in looking for my ultimate douchebag costume (consisted of bluetooth headset and Ed Hardy gear for the most part) I visited several

folder_open Arizona, Thrift Store
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Is That Brett Michaels?

[singlepic id=283 w=600 h=600 float=center] [ratings] I’m pretty sure this guy isn’t serious since he’s wearing a leopard cowboy hat, USA bandana and Ed Hardy shirt (and isn’t Brett Michaels) so he gets a pass…but


[singlepic id=283 w=600 h=600 float=center] [ratings] I’m pretty sure this guy isn’t serious since he’s wearing a leopard cowboy hat, USA bandana and Ed Hardy shirt (and isn’t Brett Michaels) so he gets a pass…but

folder_open Twitter
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Lorenzo Lamas…Don’t Know Who he is But Apparently he’s Important

[singlepic id=265 w=600 h=450 float=center] [ratings] He looks like he’s in some sort of soap opera but I’ve never heard of him until he got a show on E or something to that effect.  Either


[singlepic id=265 w=600 h=450 float=center] [ratings] He looks like he’s in some sort of soap opera but I’ve never heard of him until he got a show on E or something to that effect.  Either

folder_open Celebrities, TV
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Bluetooth Earpiece in the Gym…Really? With Seth Meyers & Amy Poehler

[singlepic id=257 w=600 h=800 float=center] [ratings] If Seth Meyers & Amy Poehler saw this picture they would most certainly do their infamous “Really” segment on Saturday Night Live’s Weekend Update…it would go something like this.


[singlepic id=257 w=600 h=800 float=center] [ratings] If Seth Meyers & Amy Poehler saw this picture they would most certainly do their infamous “Really” segment on Saturday Night Live’s Weekend Update…it would go something like this.

folder_open Gym, New Mexico, Twitter
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Rusty Spur in Scottsdale – Douche Magnet

[singlepic id=256 w=600 h=450 float=center] [ratings] Hot off the presses, this one was taken last night in Scottsdale of all places! Looks like he’s alone…well maybe he has his mom on the phone for coaching


[singlepic id=256 w=600 h=450 float=center] [ratings] Hot off the presses, this one was taken last night in Scottsdale of all places! Looks like he’s alone…well maybe he has his mom on the phone for coaching

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Whoops, Forgot to Take Off My Badge of Douche

[singlepic id=255 w=600 h=450 float=center] [ratings] Either this guy works the phones in customer service or he’s such a douche that he needs to have a headset that large to let everyone know how important


[singlepic id=255 w=600 h=450 float=center] [ratings] Either this guy works the phones in customer service or he’s such a douche that he needs to have a headset that large to let everyone know how important

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